When you want to sell your old or junk car which has many working auto parts, then you should not sell it in one piece, auto parts are the most valuable parts in the vehicle, but most of the people avoid this method because they don't know how to do it. Selling your auto parts is the best way if you want to get more money from your vehicle. When you sell your old or junk car to any wrecker, they never pay Cash For Scrap Car Parts Melbourne whether it is working or not. That is why it is the best option to sell your old or junk vehicle. Before selling auto parts, you need to dismantle your wrecked car. You should not do it by yourself, you have to call for any local mechanic who will do this job properly. He can also check the parts that are good enough to sell. After dismantling the vehicle you have to evaluate all auto parts to decide which will be profitable for you. There are some valuable parts which are convenient or easy to sell like transmission, engine, airbags and seat....